Electoral reforms analysis of Mexico's political representation system





Electoral reform, Political representation, Transition, Democracy


The present article analyzes the diverse reforms in electoral matters through which the Mexican system of political representation has passed to reach the one it has today, this analysis is undertaken with the reform that is considered the watershed towards the path of democracy where the groups of citizens could make visible their right of grouping for the creation of political parties, continuing this evolutionary course of reforms with the strengthening through the increase of deputation seats for each party, the true independence of the electoral authorities, the elimination of governability clauses, new regulations on public and private financing of parties, their access to radio and television, the duration of their campaigns and pre-campaigns, and the most recent reforms on the re-election of federal deputies and senators, municipal presidents, syndic and councillors, gender parity, independent candidacies and citizen participation.


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How to Cite

Flores Montes, J. (2022). Electoral reforms analysis of Mexico’s political representation system. Journal of Legal Challenges, 2(3), 72–85. https://doi.org/10.29105/dj2.3-26