About the importance of Comparative Public Law and Constitutional History to understand the institution of the Mexican Amparo Trial.


  • Michael Núñez Torres Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León image/svg+xml




Amparo Trial, Constitutionalism, Legality, Comparative Method, Human Rights


This work addresses the importance of the institution of the Amparo Trial in the realization of paradigms of constitutionalism such as the division of powers and constitutional supremacy, and also provides a review of the Amparo Trial in nineteenth-century Mexican constitutionalism from its origins. establishment in 1841. Based on Comparative Public Law and Constitutional History, parameters are established to analyze the Mexican Amparo Trial in the 21st century. Indeed, based on the comparison with historical perspective. You can see the way in which, during almost the entire 20th century, the Amparo Trial was the institution that guaranteed legality, in its most formal sense, until reaching the three constitutional reforms that are the turning points in the redefinition of the institution of protection, especially the constitutional reform on human rights of 2011. It is demonstrated that the Comparative Method is the relevant methodology to adequately address the study of institutions.


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Author Biography

Michael Núñez Torres, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Doctor in Constitutional Law, University of Salamanca, Member of the National System of Researchers Level II, Research Professor of the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the UANL, Founding member of the CITEJYC


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How to Cite

Núñez Torres, M. (2024). About the importance of Comparative Public Law and Constitutional History to understand the institution of the Mexican Amparo Trial. Journal of Legal Challenges, 4(6), 12–27. https://doi.org/10.29105/dj4.6-144


